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发布日期:2024-08-05       发布人:管理员       发布部门:石家庄文联     点击次数:220次

To thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC Central Committee's Third Plenary Session, to build a more effective international communication system, to expand international cultural exchange and cooperation, to promote the cultural and artistic exchange between China and Greece, and to showcase the unique artistic charm between two countries, we are pleased to present the "You Xiang" Sino-Greek Online Art Exhibition on the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Greece.
China and Greece are both ancient civilisations of mankind, and both have made important contributions to the cultural development of mankind. China, as the origin of the ancient civilisation of the East, carries 5,000 years of historical wisdom and deep cultural heritage. Ancient Greece is known as the origin of modern Western civilisation, and the cultural achievements of its civilisation are the foundation of modern Western culture. China and Greece have a long history of friendship, and the two sides have always adhered to the historical perspective, adhered to the trend of the times, and adhered to the concept of openness and win-win situation to jointly build China and Greece are both ancient civilizations that have made significant contributions to human culture. China, as the origin of ancient Oriental civilization, carries the wisdom and profound cultural heritage of 5,000 years. Ancient Greece is known as the cradle of modern Western civilization, whose cultural achievements have formed the foundation of modern Western civilization. China and Greece share a long and enduring friendship, with both sides always maintaining a historical perspective, following the trend of the times, and adhering to the concept of openness and mutual benefit in building the "Belt and Road Initiative", bringing benefits to both countries and their people, and setting an example of cultural communication for the international community. With the advent of digitalization, the internet has become an important platform for cultural dissemination and exchange. This online exhibition aims to fully utilize the advantages of the internet, opening up broader avenues for cultural and artistic exchanges between China and Greece. Through the convenience and diversity of the internet, multi-angle and multi-level display functions allow us to deeply understand the creative concepts of Chinese and Greek artists, and appreciate more beautiful art pieces, inspiring artists from both countries to continuously explore new fields of artistic creation. This will  further enhance the friendship and understanding between people of the two countries , By working together, we can create a world based on mutual respect for values, cultural diversity, and peaceful coexistence.



I. Organizers

·Shijiazhuang Federation of Literary and Art Circles
·Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Hebei Normal University
·Sino-Greek Cultural Media Group
· Shijiazhuang Artists Association
·Hebei Qizhao Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.
·China-Greece Investors Association
·Athens International Art Center
·Sino-Greek Cultural and Artistic Exchange Association
·Hebei Female Painters Association
·Shijiazhuang Mass Art Gallery


石家庄市美术家协会邮箱   sjzmx20@126.com

II.Call of Entries

Submission Deadline
From now until August 30, 2024.
Submission Email
Shijiazhuang Artists Association    sjzmx20@126.com
15614390100(micro letter with number)



III. Scope of Entries

This call for entries is open to artists worldwide, as well as teachers and students from various universities.



IV.Submission Requirements

1. Submissions are limited to fine art works with healthy and positive content, no restriction on themes. Works that praise the great landscape of the motherland and enhance Sino-Greek friendship are encouraged.
2. Submitted works must be original creations by the artist. The use of replicas, ghostwriting, plagiarism, or re-submitting existing works is strictly prohibited. The author is responsible for any legal disputes or liabilities arising from such actions.
3. Electronic submissions,no more than three works, should be between 2MB and 10MB. Each work should include the following information: title of the work, category, dimensions, creation date, and a personal profile including name, gender, contact phone number, detailed mailing address, and a detailed resume of participation and awards. The submission should be marked "Sino-Greek Online Art Exhibition."
4. Collective submissions must include a list of authors, the name of the organization, and contact information such as phone numbers and addresses.



V.Review Process

1. The organizing committee will invite renowned artists to form a jury to conduct the preliminary, secondary, and final reviews of all submissions. The list of selected works for the online exhibition will be announced, and all selected works will be displayed online.
2. Participants in the Sino-Greek Online Art Exhibition will receive a certificate of honor as cultural and artistic exchange ambassadors between China and Greece.
3. Inclusion in the online exhibition qualifies as one of the criteria for joining the Shijiazhuang Artists Association.
4. Selected works will receive a high-quality electronic certificate with the image of the selected work.



VI. Other Matters

1. The organizers have the right to exhibit, photograph, videotape, and publish the submitted works for publicity purposes.
2. Submission of works implies confirmation and compliance with the terms of this call for entries.

Shijiazhuang Federation of Literary and Art Circles
August 1, 2024

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